Trail Strategy Session

Virtual “coffee/tea” chat to discuss your questions pertaining to the trail:
logistics, fueling, training, gear, big-day prep, post-hike recovery, safety, etc.

“Pick My Brain” Consults

RED-S & Endometriosis

Virtual call to discuss your questions around Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S), low energy availability, and/or endometriosis.

This is a peer-to-peer conversation. We can discuss how symptoms influence activity, ways to support the nervous system, ways to support physical and mental wellbeing, navigating the medical system, advocating for your needs, communicating about these conditions with coaches/friends/family, and other ways to help you support yourself.

Fitness & Health Professions

Virtual call to discuss your questions related to the fitness and/or health industry.

Who you are: personal trainer, physical therapist, nutritionist, registered dietician, therapist, nurse practitioner, medical doctor.

Sarah is versed in topics including eating disorders and disordered eating, relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S), and endometriosis. She also can discuss being a body and weight neutral, anti-diet practitioner, navigating a movement practice in recovery, the importance of provider and patient education with RED-S, and more

Biz Power Hour

Virtual consultation to discuss your questions around business.

During this call you can discuss aspects of your business including client onboarding, client communications, social media content, email marketing, software and apps, website management, podcasting, certifications and other general business related questions. Sarah is a certified personal trainer, certified sports nutritionist, certified eating disorder recovery coach, and holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Please keep your questions related to topics that Sarah can speak on. Sarah is unable to speak on taxes, branding, legal systems, or hiring.