Strength coaching and education to get you strong for the mountains and the long-game

What is mountain strong?

Mountain strong 1:1 coaching and personalized strength program specifically designed to get
(& keep) you strong for the mountains while educating you in the process.

We get it, you love adventuring in the mountains – running around new trails, long-days and big routes, high vert days, the weekend warrior outing, and even backpacking. Maybe you don’t want to spend your time in the gym, or perhaps you enjoy the weekday gym sessions and weekend mountain days. We offer programming which fits both and is also friendly for folks who prefer the home gym set up or even minimal equipment home “gym”. Whatever your style of training is, we can most likely work with it to find you an approach that will get you strong and keep you adventuring for the long-game.

What to expect

Fully online strength coaching and education

Personalized programming updated as often as you need

Access to the Everfit app and video demonstration plus notes for all movements

A program which is progressive yet customizable

Video calls for education and additional support throughout the process

Coaching options

First three months

Custom strength program

Text and voice message support: capped at 30 minutes/week

Unlimited form checks via video

1 x 45-minute video call/month to discuss any questions and for additional support + education


Month 4 & beyond

Custom strength program

Text and voice message support: capped at 30 minutes/week

Unlimited form checks via video

*OPTIONAL* 45-minute video call/month to discuss any questions and for additional support + education

$229/month with optional video call

Apply for coaching

Please feel free to reach out with anything questions you have via email here.
You can also book a free 15-minute consultation here to answer any questions.
If you have no questions and are ready to jump in, fill out the application below!