One-on-one Coaching Services
Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching
1:1 coaching for individuals in eating disorder/ disordered eating recovery who are seeking additional support and someone to explore the gray areas of recovery with
Mindset & Embodiment Coaching
1:1 movement and embodiment coaching for those exploring their
relationship with movement, navigating body image challenges,
and those dealing with RED-S, endometriosis, and chronic illness.
Mountain Strong
1:1 coaching and personalized strength program specifically designed to get (& keep) you strong for the mountains while educating you in the process
Personal Training
1:1 training sessions in the Mount Washington Valley NH and virtually in the US
Consulting Services
Trail Strategy Session
virtual “coffee/tea” chat to discuss your questions pertaining to the trail: logistics, fueling, training, gear, big-day prep, post-hike recovery, safety, etc.
“Pick My Brain Sessions”
consults for fitness/health professionals seeking guidance around becoming a
non-diet and weight neutral practitioner, education around eating disorders
and RED-S, help with developing your onboarding process and other biz needs
Biz Power Hour
Virtual consultation to discuss your questions around business. During this call you can discuss aspects of your business including client onboarding, client communications, social media content, email marketing, software and apps, website management, podcasting, certifications and other general business related questions. Sarah is a certified personal trainer, certified sports nutritionist, certified eating disorder recovery coach, and holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Please keep your questions related to topics that Sarah can speak on. Sarah is unable to speak on taxes, branding, legal systems, or hiring.